Melanie 18th July 2020

I was so sorry to hear about Tim's death. I hadn't seen him for a few years but never forgot his huge smile when I thought of him which I did whenever I passed building which housed the North East Photography Network part of Sunderland University in Sunderland where I live as knew he throughly enjoyed studying there. Tim used to give me lifts to work when my old mg used to break down as the treck to Hartlepool was a long one on public transport which I really appreciated. I woukd hear all about Jane and the new house they were buying. When I ran an project working with cultural freelancers including professional photographhers and i put a call out for tutors Tim was one of the first to agree to deliver these short courses as he was able to share his knowledge on up to date photography tech to those needing to upskill and the feedback was always great. Tim was a kind, generous, thoughful and talented man who will be greatly missed. Melanie