Rik 7th July 2020

My friend, I don't know where to begin. We were only ten when we met and that friendship grew over the next thirty something years. You were more than my friend, you were always family. As kids we were second hand waistcoats to play snooker, as adults we were waistcoats as we stood waiting for Jane to walk down the aisle to you. As kids we stood like snooker pros round a table way to big for us. As adults I stood so proudly next to you as your best man. Your smile as ever, on that day was infectious. There are so many memories I look back on, I only wish we were given the time to make more. I will always carry your laugh and your smile with me, and still ask your opinion on everything that matters. You will always have my respect for everything you achieved, everything you went through and the way you tackled all of it... All my love brother, until I see you again.... Rik